Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications WMCSA 2003 October 9-10, 2003 Monterey, California, USA Call For Papers NEW - Extended Deadline: 11:59pm PDT, May 25, 2003 Notification to Authors: July 14, 2003 Conference Web site: The Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications is the latest in a series of high-quality, interactive forums for discussion on all aspects of mobile computing systems and applications. We solicit submissions that primarily focus on applications, systems, and environments. Submissions describing new lower-level technologies are welcome if they focus on how the technology is being used or integrated into a system or application. WMCSA's small workshop format makes it ideal for presenting and discussing new directions or controversial approaches, even if the work is at an early stage, although even early-stage work will be expected to provide some early validation of the feasibility of the approach. We are particularly interested in the following topic areas:  Novel applications and environments for mobile and pervasive computing Mobile computing has extended to dovetail with work in pervasive and ubiquitous computing systems and environments. The combination of domains brings challenges as well as opportunities for novel application scenarios. Coordination, aggregation, and spontaneous interaction of devices and applications Among the characteristics of mobile devices is their relatively simple functionality and lack of resources and computational power. To achieve significant tasks it is sometimes necessary to gather devices together into a cohesive whole. How can this be accomplished in an extensible and/or scalable way, considering the ad hoc nature of mobile systems and the limited interfaces and resources available at each node in a coordinated set? Do the solutions change when mobile devices and networks interact with the wired world, rather than as an island unto themselves?   Challenges unique to or exacerbated by mobility and pervasive computing  Mobile and pervasive computing present new computer science challenges and bring some existing challenges into sharper relief. The ease of collecting and storing information makes security and privacy concerns paramount. Intermittent connectivity, limited battery life, and frequent association/dissociation between devices and the environment makes failure resilience and robustness a first-class concern. The ability to use a mobile technology while performing other tasks, e.g. talking on a cell phone while driving, means that user "distractability" and the human experience of learning/using a new mobile technology may be key aspects of its design.   Papers should be 10 US letter pages or less, and should describe either completed or ongoing work. The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE and we hope to publish a digest of the workshop in a relevant journal. As is customary, papers must not have been published elsewhere and cannot be simultaneously under submission at another venue. To encourage an interactive atmosphere, attendance will be limited to approximately 75 attendees. Authors of submitted papers and accepted demo proposals will be given first preference, with others able to register on a space-available basis. A small number of graduate students will be granted a waiver of the registration fee. Waiver proposal submission instructions will be posted soon. Demos To further stimulate discussion, we welcome researchers who would like to demonstrate working prototypes of their systems. Instructions for submitting demo proposals will be posted here soon. Program Committee Armando Fox (Chair), Stanford University, USA Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech, USA Mary Baker, Stanford University, USA Michael Beigl, TeCO/Univ. of Karlsruhe, Germany Barry Brumitt, Microsoft Corp., USA Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Adrian Friday, Lancaster University, UK Jason Hong, UC Berkeley, USA Nayeem Islam, DoCoMo Labs USA Hui Lei, IBM Research, USA Robin Kravets, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Brian Noble, University of Michigan, USA Trevor Pering, Intel Research, USA Bill Schilit, Intel Research, USA Atsushi Shionozaki, Sony Research, Japan/USA